
If you are taking your business public, forming an investment company, or performing another regulated transaction, compliance with the state and federal securities laws is essential. If a registration statement is incomplete or misleading, or if your offering is not in compliance with securities laws, the SEC will not hesitate to open an enforcement investigation. An attorney with significant experience and support from an established law firm can provide you with legal guidance and peace of mind during complex business activities. In order to ensure you are taking the optimal approach to your securities offerings, contact Kahane Law Group.


Every client receives a confidential consultation and the firm operates on transparent fees.


Efficient & Accurate Securities Transactions

At Kahane Law Group, our goal is to make sure your transactions and reports are accurate and completed in an efficient manner. We can assist you in the following securities law matters:

  • Preparation of securities registration statements for IPOs
  • Preparation of private placement memoranda for private securities offerings
  • Ongoing compliance under securities laws
  • Preparation of quarterly, annual, and current SEC reports
  • Preparation of proxy statements
  • Securities law general counsel
  • Formation of hedge funds and other investment funds
  • Formation of business development companies
  • Formation of venture capital funds and private equity funds

Request Your Initial Consultation Today

Looking to take the first step in your case? Do not hesitate to get the skilled legal help of a Houston securities law attorney from Kahane Law Group. With our firm, you can benefit from our Spanish speaking services, as well as our transparent legal fees. Complete the online form or call +1 (832) 852-2163 to discuss your business needs with a knowledgeable Houston securities attorney. Kahane Law Group provides businesses with comprehensive legal services. We look forward to helping with your case soon.